In 2021 I kid you not I interviewed quite a few times and needless to say python popped up a few times. Coming from a networking background it was scary. Just the thought of learning python… well it’s daunting.
One of the interviews I faced was network-focused but was also heavily attuned to automation. When you look at deploying a network after it reaches a certain scale manual methods can actually be a big setback. Network automation is here to stay.
Now, this is a post about overcoming the fear and learning python so I can’t focus on a networking interview story. To put things in context these are a few places on my interviews that python popped up.
- Networking Development interviews
- Cloud interviews
- Topics of serverless
- API’s
- Configuration management
- Linux scripting
This list isn’t exhausting but just shows how a little python goes a long way.
This year these are on my lineup to be completed.
- Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate (Coursera)
- AlgoExpert - ProgrammingExpert course.
- Complete Python Developer in 2022: Zero to Mastery
Nice simple year of learning ahead.
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